Monday, November 30, 2015

How has the invention of the plane changed the way we live?

The plane has had a major impact on the world. It has changed the way we think, the way we travel, the overall culture of the world, and the way businesses work.

  Before the plane people only thought of traveling across the ocean by boat. A boat took more than two months to cross the atlantic in the colonial period. This hindered the ability for people to communicate and the ability to migrate across the ocean. Now a days people can cross the atlantic by plane in a little under 10 hours. Packages can get to people over night, a person can be anywhere in the world with in 24 hours and the most important, they provide a safe way of travaling long distances. In the olden days many, many people died on their voyages. This is because of cramped conditions, lack of food, and disease. The cultural knowledge of the world has improved greatly.

  Before the airplane was invented the world did not know that much about different cultures. The airplane has made it possible for people to travel the world and experience cultures that are very different from their own. This does not effect the world directly although it does creat a world in wich we can accept different cultures and people easier than we used to.

  Finally many peoples work takes them around the world frequently. Planes have made it possible for this to happen.


  1. Planes have helped dramatically just as the car has on a smaller scale. While there are good things about new technology there are always bad things too. What would some of the downsides of the invention of the airplane be?

  2. I like how you connect this idea to our modern day life and how the plane is something we often take for granted until we see the conditions people had to go through just to go on a trip. However, I think you could have provided a few more examples and details. My father work in both Asia and America and I know for a fact that for many of my friends, their parents do too. It is something that is so easily accepted as something "normal" and convenient that we often take it for granted. However, what are some of the negative consequences of planes?

  3. These are all very good points but what would be some examples of where we see this in american history? Do you think WW2 is when we started to see the biggest increase in planes or some other period in american history?

  4. In answer to Natalya's question, I'd say the largest downside to the invention of the airplane would be its devastating impact in war. World War I was the first war where planes were used extensively. Although they were initially only used for reconnaissance, they eventually carried deadly guns and bombs that exponentiated the number of deaths on the battlefield. However, I think that as military technology improved, this increase in killing efficiency was unavoidable.

  5. Short but very informative about the different cultural aspects the airplane has improved. Do you think the airplane is the main reason for cultural diversion and knowledge? Do you think we should thank the Wright Brothers or more modern technology for the influence planes have had on our culture and society?
