Saturday, March 19, 2016


Mikhail Gorbachev was the successor of Russian Soviet leader Brezhnev, and was the eighth and last leader of this massive communist nation. While many leaders of this nation were known for their strict control of the media and their distrust and dislike of the US, Gorbachev brought a new era in the Soviet Union.
The first prominent change that Gorbachev implemented was his two policies of perestroika, or reconstruction, and “glasnost”, free speech. These two policies were major impacts on the soviet mentality and economy. Compared to the world war two era soviet Russia, as well as the soviet empire under Khrushchev and Brezhnev, these policies were a complete shock to the starving soviets. Prior to Gorbachev’s rule, soviet workers were run by strict quotas, and much of the populus, especially in the cities, were living at below subsistence levels. Moreover, de-Stalinization was derailed and control of the media was increased under Brezhnev. Even after the Helsinki accords were signed in 1977, there was still repression of any media criticising the government.
Under Gorbachev, the media started to flourish. More and more Western culture was permitted to be shown on the television, and computers were made available to the general public. Rather than Western hate, there was the new idea of acceptance of this culture, and while Russia could not be called capitalist or democratic, it was starting to understand the American system and more intellectuals and youth were being influenced by Western movements. One of the more prevalent among the youth was the incorporation of rock and roll into the music scene.
In terms of reconstruction, one of the most prevalent ways he implemented a major change was the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Before this, he was able to help the economy and bring about less unemployment and place more money into government service industries. However, through the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev was able to establish the Independent Democratic Party of Russia. He was also the one to push for the SALT talks with the United States, and without his pushing for peace amongst the two nations, no one can know how far tensions would have risen and nuclear power would have increased in both nations.
Overall, Gorbachev was a very accomplished ruler. He was able to heavily influence the end of the Cold War, and the reconstruction of Russia. His efforts were awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990, and his accomplishments in regard to peace between the United States and Russia are still felt today.


  1. Why did Gorbachev ultimately choose to dissolve the Soviet Union into the many Eastern European countries that exist today? He seems very progressive, but I think Russian leaders like Putin have kind of backtracked on that and attempted to recreate Soviet spheres of influence i.e. by invading Georgia.

  2. Did Gorbachev even intend to dissolve the Soviet Union? Our readings stated that he was a firm but not dogmatic believer in Marxist-Leninist doctrine that wanted to save the system of communism. At what point did he realize that the Soviet system was beyond saving?
