Friday, December 11, 2015

Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt, niece of Theodore Roosevelt and wife of FDR, was the longest serving First Lady throughout her husbands four terms in office. She was, just as much as her husband, a great political activist.  She became active in the women’s division of the State Democratic Committee to keep FDR’s interest in politics alive whilst she was nursing him though an illness. During her husbands political career she became his partner in dealing with the nation and international affairs. After his death in 1945 President Harry Truman, who had succeeded her husband, appointed her as a delegate in the United Nations. She eventually became the chair of the UN and was the driving force in creating the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights. It was drawn up over the course of two years by eighteen members from different nationalities and political backgrounds.When she submitted the declaration to the general assembly she said these words:

“We stand today at the threshold of a great event both in the life of the United Nations and in the life of mankind. This declaration may well become the international Magna Carta for all men everywhere.”

It has become the basis for many nations laws today and is held in high esteem. 



  1. It was very interesting to learn about how she was a delegate for the UN. Although she is a famous name, I had not know much about her besides her being a first lady before reading this blog. It is always interesting to hear the stories of the people being or supporting famous figures such as presidents.

  2. This is a great post because most of the time we do not get to hear about the people who are related to famous people, but it is really good to know that she did so many great things like being a part of the UN
