Thursday, May 12, 2016

Fall of the Berlin Wall

      The Berlin Wall, set up in around 1961, controlled the immigration from Communism East Germany into the Democratic West Germany. In order to control the German city, Soviet Leader Khrushchev ordered the building of the wall to separate and become isolated from an idea of free-will and democracy. Through the years, the wall has become more than a barrier, with the incorporation of the "Death Strip" or "No man's land", the wall has become similar to a war zone.

      Throughout the Cold War, the Berlin wall had become a symbol of the "Iron Curtain" that ascended upon Europe. It was not until 1989, when the Cold War began to thaw, that the wall was actually taken down. That was the year Eastern Germany Communism had started to fall from power by the relentlessness powers of the people wanting democracy. The wall, finally taken down in 1992, was finally open for joining the East and West Germany together. More than 2 million people visited the wall and watched the Berlin Wall fall. After the wall's destruction, Western Germany was once again reconnected with Eastern Germany. Only one year later, the Fall of the Berlin Wall paved the road for the unification of Germany.

      "For 28 years, the 28 mile Berlin Wall had split a city in two and divided a nation with two million tons of concrete, 700,000 tonnes of steel, attack dogs, tank traps, death strips and tripwires". The wall marked the end of an era and the new beginning of a refreshed and recombined Germany.


  1. It is interesting to note that the Berlin Wall was actually built to keep the people of the East from leaving the East and defecting into the West. Usually when a wall is built, it is to keep people out, but in this special case it was to keep people in. The official purpose of the Berlin Wall was to keep Western fascists from entering East Germany but the mass defections told the true story.

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