Friday, May 13, 2016

The Second Gulf War

The Second Gulf War was a war against Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq. The invasion of Iraq by US forces was seen as wrong and having no precedent by many people and foreign nations. President Bush declared in 2003 that the nation of Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Fearing the use of chemical warfare and dirty bombs by the Iraqis, the United States prepared for war. United States military forces began the invasion of Iraq. Extensive airstrikes paved the way for tank advances through the desert. American troops closed the noose on Saddam and the capital of Baghdad. Eventually, American forces took Baghdad, but Saddam was nowhere to be found. An extensive search of the country led to no weapons of mass destruction.
The entire basis of the war was proved to be false. Looking back in investigation, reports by the CIA that the Iraqis had weapons of mass destruction were deemed to be false reports. Foreign nations accused the United States of war mongering on the basis of needing more oil and resources. The US invasion of Iraq led to vacuum of power. This vacuum led to the creation of Islamic militant groups that received great support. Civilians who were bombed and shot at by US forces were sympathetic with causes of these militant groups.
All in all, the Second Gulf War was a great mistake by the Bush Administration. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost for no reason. Billions of dollars wasted and a country thrown into chaos for seemingly nothing. The single objective of the war was failed. No weapons of mass destruction led many to question why the United States invaded Iraq. The greediness of US policy makers to achieve resources in Iraq led to the deaths of thousands and the destruction of a country, creating long lasting problems we have to face today.

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