Thursday, May 12, 2016

President Barrack Obama - first 100 days

Between Inauguration Day and April 29, 2009, the Obama administration took action on many fronts. Obama coaxed Congress to expand health care insurance for children and provide legal protection for women seeking equal pay. A $787 billion stimulus bill was passed to promote short-term economic growth. Housing and credit markets were put on life support, with a market-based plan to buy U.S. banks' toxic assets. Loans were made to the auto industry, and new regulations were proposed for Wall Street. Obama also cut taxes for working families, small businesses and first-time home buyers. The president also loosened the ban on embryonic stem cell research and moved ahead with a $3.5 trillion budget plan.

Over his first 100 days in office, President Obama also undertook a complete overhaul of America's foreign policy. He reached out to improve relations with Europe, China and Russia and to open dialogue with Iran, Venezuela and Cuba. He lobbied allies to support a global economic stimulus package. He committed an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan and set an August 2010 date for withdrawal of nearly all U.S. troops from Iraq. In more dramatic incidents, he ordered an attack on pirates off the coast of Somalia and prepared the nation for a swine flu outbreak. He signed an executive order banning excessive interrogation techniques and ordered the closing of the military detention facility at Cuba’s Guantanamo Bay within a year (a deadline that ultimately would not be met). For his efforts, the Nobel Committee in Norway awarded Obama the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.
Barack Obama
1. image: Google

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I think it's funny how your title reminds us of FDR's 100 Days, in which he enacted a whole bunch of policies to try and combat the Great Depression-era policies put into place by Hoover. I think of the aspects of Obama's presidency that you mentioned, his health care plan is the most significant and impactful, especially we grow up and start having to worry about it. Obamacare covers millions of the uninsured and deals with the huge costs and poor delivery of American medicine. It was, as VP Joe Biden said, a "big f_____ deal".

