Friday, May 13, 2016

Hippies in the 1960's

During the 1960's some of the famous slogans used by those that were part of this generation would be, " make love, not war", " I am a human being -- please do not fold, bend spindle, or mutilate" These were the slogans that were becoming popular from the new generation and the new youth culture, a counterculture. The baby boom were now becoming teenagers, and their numbers represented a larger force than any previous generation. As more and more of teens entered college, they were going against the culture that they lived in and were taught by their parents growing up. 

The "Hippie" style would be the symbol of the 1960's generation, which displayed their views on drugs, sex, lifestyle, food, fashion, and music. During this time the sexual revolution was also taking place and because birth control pills were available and teens during this time were going against the culture that they were taught with their parents, they had a more casual view on sex than what they parents had when they were growing up. Other things that were done during this time that would go against the traditions that were put up, would be living with your partner outside of marriage, and displaying nudity was something that was pretty common as well. 

This generation would also change their views on drugs. The most common drugs used by this generation would be marijuana and LSD. Due to these changes, consequences also surged. Some of the negative impacts due to the use of drugs and the casual view on sex was the spread of venereal diseases, bad trips, and drug addictions. 

During this time, the diet among this generation would also change. The generation of the 1960's would move more toward vegetarianism. Also, the fashion also changed during this time. For example, long hair on men was the common thing as well as were Afros. Women would also wear flowers on their hair, and ethnic and peasant clothing was celebrated. Through fashion, each person would try to celebrate their uniqueness and being proud of who they are. 



  1. I think it this is a really interesting post about Hippies and one thing that I really liked was how you differentiated between the two generations of the Hippies and their parents. How do you think the previous generations would have reacted to this? I think they would have probably tried to stop their kids from doing such things and definitely didn't agree with their kids because a that is what the parents did during the counterculture with the introduction of Hip Hop.

  2. I really liked hearing about the cultural changes brought about in the 60s, and the causes. It was also interesting to hear about the negative connotations connected to the hippies.
